Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sundays CAF summer camp schedule

8:00 am - Sensei Jaime Obrecht: Capital-Lincoln

9:00 am - Sensei Cathy Colin: Woodstock Aikido

10:00 am - Sensei Mike Martin: Capital Hill Aikikai

11:00 am - Shidoin Bob Poresky: Capital-Syracuse

12:00 pm - Shihan Clyde Takaguchi: Capital-Silver Springs

The usual suspects.

Well, the Rochester Pheonix Aikido club was well represented as you can see. Be sure to ask Vic about the "monster" margaritas...where are Min and Mike? the cool kid table...they weren't coooooool enough to get their picture taken by your intrepid correspondent...haha.

The cool kid table...

We all went to dinner at a nice local Chinese you can see all the "cool" kids got to hangout at the big table...ha!

PS: Special thanks go to Sensei Asim for doing the leg work and heavy lifting that made this all happen...the CAF brain trust joked that he is now coordinator for life...ha!

And now...the Timothy Leary of Aikido...

Bill Plank!!! Why? You ask...because he blows minds!!! Today he used the most humbling martial tool of all time...the JO!!! He did a post-mortum of Takaguchi Shihan's class using the Jo to "clarify" what the core of his lesson covered. Sensei Plank defined the theme of the class as: "spirals...most people associate circles with Aikido...but circles are closed shapes...spirals are infinite...." Yeah like I said...mind blowing.

Dave Millar Sensei...the Sensei who is always smiling.

The theme of Sensei Millar's class was....hanmi, hanmi, hanmi. Specifically, his lesson was, in classic Capital Aikikai fashion, the ability to change hanmi with your hips without using your feet...awesome class!

Sensei Jack Simpson

Simpson Sensei's theme for class was and I quote " Defense against samurai on horseback with uzis"...if you can't tell he has quite the sense of humor!!! PS he's not the pretty one.

Working plan for the afternoon practice.

2:00 pm -Sensei Jack Simpson: Western MD

3:00 pm - Sensei Dave Millar: Capital Aikikai

4:00 pm - Sensei Bill Plank: Capital/Jackson Hole

Takaguchi Shihan says...

The theme of the second lesson was: Blending omote & ura. All I can say is "Wow!"

1st Up: Asim Sensei

Asim Sensei' s class focused on spacing and timing. Sensei is on the right.

The quiet before the storm...

The quiet stretching before the Seminar starts. There are Shihan, Sensei, sempai, and kohai everywhere...wish the whole Rochester group was here...know that all of you are here in spirit...


Aviv Goldsmith Sensei's Dojo is a dream come to fruition. This space according to Sensei Goldsmith is the realisation of a 20 year dream. It is patterned after the Iwama Dojo in Japan and is a sustainable green building.

Live from CAF!!!

Here are a few pics of the Dojo.