Monday, July 26, 2010

International Friendship Seminar in NJ, 10/1-10/3

 10/1-10/3: International Friendship Seminar in East Hanover, NJ

This is a link to the IFS web site. Sensei "Ed" was at the CAF gasshuku in July and gave out flyers for this Seminar. He mentioned that several top Shihan from South America and Europe as well as the US will be providing the instruction. If anyone in the Dojo is interested in going please post your name and information on the bulletin board in the Dojo.

Check also

Aikido International Friendship Seminar
October 1-3, 2010

Jorge Rojo - Chile
Nelson Requena - Venezuela
Wilko Vriesman - Netherlands
Daniel Lance - France
along with
Greg O'Connor - USA

to be held at and hosted by
Aikido Centers of New Jersey

at its headquarters dojo located at 55 Eagle Rock Ave. East Hanover, NJ 07869 

Click below for PDFs with Seminar Info -
Ai Seminar Flyer
Featured Instructors
Class Schedule
Registration Application
Registration Procedure
Hotels & Local Map

Open to all Aikidoka of levels, organizations and affiliations